Business Consultancy
We call ourselves "coach-consultants" as we use both coaching and consulting techniques while working with our clients.
Image Management
It is our genuine effort to help people create their perfect pictures !
Learn to Earn
It is our endeavour to educate, enthuse and empower our younger generation for a successful life innings.

Website Designing
A technically sound team helps the retail brands in uplifting their image through a need based interactive website.
Social Media Marketing
New age media or social media has become the most effective tool to reach out to the masses and Dreamboat plays a vital role in creating and maintaining a positive and effective image of its clients.
Media PR
Though traditional yet it is considered to be quite an effective method of reaching out to masses even today. Utilizing our network we provide this service to our clients for building their brand value and increasing their visibility.
Staff training
While putting on the coaching hat we train their staff for better productivity and enhanced results. Dreamboat provides a result oriented training to the employees of its clients right from their impactful dressing to their interpersonal skills for a positive and productive outcome.
Collaborations and Alliances
Collaborating stretches the boundaries and propels growth in business. We facilitate collaborations and alliances for our clients to augment their growth and help them expand beyond their comfort zone.
Website Designing
A technically sound team helps the retail brands in uplifting their image through a need based interactive website.
Social Media Marketing
New age media or social media has become the most effective tool to reach out to the masses and Dreamboat plays a vital role in creating and maintaining a positive and effective image of its clients.
Media PR
Though traditional yet it is considered to be quite an effective method of reaching out to masses even today. Utilizing our network we provide this service to our clients for building their brand value and increasing their visibility.
Staff training
While putting on the coaching hat we train their staff for better productivity and enhanced results. Dreamboat provides a result oriented training to the employees of its clients right from their impactful dressing to their interpersonal skills for a positive and productive outcome.
Collaborations and Alliances
Collaborating stretches the boundaries and propels growth in business. We facilitate collaborations and alliances for our clients to augment their growth and help them expand beyond their comfort zone.
We call ourselves "coach-consultants" as we use both coaching and consulting techniques while working with our clients. Keeping a direct focus on the growth and development we help them create success by adopting a combination of marketing strategies that are required for their business model. While adopting a multipronged approach for improved results and enhanced brand value we work upon the existing profile of our clients in number of ways. In keeping with the new age practices of inbound marketing we try to build a platform where the consumer approaches the brand instead of the previous order of the brand reaching out to its audience. In order to create a stronger and mutually beneficial bond between the customer and the business we try to build the brand’s visibility and reputation through following services:
Dress to Impress
Dress how you want to be addressed
Clothing is a silent but one of the most powerful communication tools. Our clothes make a statement without us saying a word. The old advice, "to dress for the job you want, not the job you have," has its roots in more than simply how others perceive us. Studies have proved that the clothes we wear affect our mental and physical performance. Wearing formal business attire increases abstract thinking as it lends us a feeling of power whereas informal clothing may hurt in negotiations.
To help create positive first and lasting impressions we train our clients through Hi- impact workshops that enable them secure jobs, higher positions, clinch a business deal or basically win hearts and be successful in life.
Business Etiquette
Good Manners will open doors that the best education cannot
These are those ‘soft skills’ which provide us with confidence to handle people and situations with tact, diplomacy & respect in business environment/work place. In other words Etiquette means presenting yourself in a polished behaviour so that people take you seriously.
Our specially designed workshops for school and college students have helped them immensely in their professional journey.
For Professionals our training have facilitated advancement in their jobs by giving them an edge above the rest.
Dining/Social Etiquette
Manners will take you where your shoes cannot
Man is a social animal and so he or she must follow certain social etiquettes that are appreciated by one and all. Etiquette is about being comfortable around people and making people comfortable around you with your mannerism as per contemporary and conventional norms within society. These are certain accepted behaviors in all social situations that one needs to learn. With few exceptions, putting them into practice can make a big difference in our social life
Dreamboat organises specially crafted workshops for youth launching themselves into fashion and modelling industry, young girls about to get married, housewives, students and professionals. Our grooming sessions have not only helped them evolve as better persons but also augmented their professional journeys.
Dress to Impress
Dress how you want to be addressed
Clothing is a silent but one of the most powerful communication tools. Our clothes make a statement without us saying a word. The old advice, "to dress for the job you want, not the job you have," has its roots in more than simply how others perceive us. Studies have proved that the clothes we wear affect our mental and physical performance. Wearing formal business attire increases abstract thinking as it lends us a feeling of power whereas informal clothing may hurt in negotiations.
To help create positive first and lasting impressions we train our clients through Hi- impact workshops that enable them secure jobs, higher positions, clinch a business deal or basically win hearts and be successful in life.
Business Etiquette
Good Manners will open doors that the best education cannot
These are those ‘soft skills’ which provide us with confidence to handle people and situations with tact, diplomacy & respect in business environment/work place. In other words Etiquette means presenting yourself in a polished behaviour so that people take you seriously.
Our specially designed workshops for school and college students have helped them immensely in their professional journey.
For Professionals our training have facilitated advancement in their jobs by giving them an edge above the rest.
Dining/Social Etiquette
Manners will take you where your shoes cannot
Man is a social animal and so he or she must follow certain social etiquettes that are appreciated by one and all. Etiquette is about being comfortable around people and making people comfortable around you with your mannerism as per contemporary and conventional norms within society. These are certain accepted behaviors in all social situations that one needs to learn. With few exceptions, putting them into practice can make a big difference in our social life
Dreamboat organises specially crafted workshops for youth launching themselves into fashion and modelling industry, young girls about to get married, housewives, students and professionals. Our grooming sessions have not only helped them evolve as better persons but also augmented their professional journeys.
It is our genuine effort to help people create their perfect pictures ! Image Management can be summed up through the proverb, 'Seeing is Believing'. How people first view us depends on what we showcase to them. First Impression is that unique image of an individual which is formed automatically and instantly, on the basis of the attire and etiquette of that person. 90% of our impressions are formed within first 23-30 seconds on meeting a stranger. 58% are based on how we look, 38% on how we sound and 7% on what we say. It is no news to us that visual communication is the most powerful tool to create impressions. To help individuals create first and lasting impressions for success in personal and professional lives we curate need based workshops for groups and conduct one on ones for individual clients. It is our endeavor to help people create their perfect pictures!

Leadership Development
Leadership is based on the philosophy that you can’t lead anybody until you can lead yourself. We are not talking about leadership in terms of politics, it is about leadership in terms of self-development and self-discipline to enable people to perform at optimum levels no matter what they do in life. It is about realizing all the things you are passionate about, and all the things you are capable of doing.
Most of the people do not know who they are and that is why one needs to learn to take control of one’s life through leadership and education. We believe that our current educational system is only about people memorizing what they are told to, take tests, get grades, and forget what they had learned. This is because most of what they learned had no relevance to their lives or passions. Such a process detracts from human potential and leads to unhappiness, unfulfillment, and mediocre performance.
On the other side, building a life development plan around your passions and desires unleashes your full potential leaving you happy and content. You are then able to serve your family and community at the highest possible level, and are able to add maximum value to others and to the organization you work for.
Through our workshops conducted in various schools and colleges we not only work upon the employability skills of the students but also provide leadership development training for their over-all success in life.
Clients: Corporate Organizations, Educational Institutions, NGOs Individuals.
Soft Skills
Soft Skills play a vital role in scaling the ladder of success in our professional lives as they are fundamental to all jobs. Dreamboat firmly believes that the importance of soft skills should be recognized at the high school level only, where students should go to school cognizant of how they’re developing as human beings and not just how much they’re learning.
Working in teams, taking criticism positively, good interpersonal communication and decision making are the abilities that one needs to attain even before one reaches university level. We not only assist the students to recognize their talent, passion and desires but also motivate them and provide the required tools to achieve their goals.Equipped with these skills when a student enters college he is confident to face and survive a liberated yet challenging environment.
While talking of the vast expansion of university education in India it is a matter of immense concern that it satisfies only 17 per cent of the employers leaving the rest of 83 per cent dissatisfied. According to a study by the Confederation of Indian Industry, out of five million graduates every year only 34 per cent of them are employable.
Therefore in our initiative, Learn to Earn, we teach business soft skills including employability skills to college and school students so that they are not only able to get the right job but are also able to maintain it and be successful in it.
Clients: Corporate Organizations, Educational Institutions, NGOs.
Leadership Development
Leadership is based on the philosophy that you can’t lead anybody until you can lead yourself. We are not talking about leadership in terms of politics, it is about leadership in terms of self-development and self-discipline to enable people to perform at optimum levels no matter what they do in life. It is about realizing all the things you are passionate about, and all the things you are capable of doing.
Most of the people do not know who they are and that is why one needs to learn to take control of one’s life through leadership and education. We believe that our current educational system is only about people memorizing what they are told to, take tests, get grades, and forget what they had learned. This is because most of what they learned had no relevance to their lives or passions. Such a process detracts from human potential and leads to unhappiness, unfulfillment, and mediocre performance.
On the other side, building a life development plan around your passions and desires unleashes your full potential leaving you happy and content. You are then able to serve your family and community at the highest possible level, and are able to add maximum value to others and to the organization you work for.
Through our workshops conducted in various schools and colleges we not only work upon the employability skills of the students but also provide leadership development training for their over-all success in life.
Clients: Corporate Organizations, Educational Institutions, NGOs Individuals.
Soft Skills
Soft Skills play a vital role in scaling the ladder of success in our professional lives as they are fundamental to all jobs. Dreamboat firmly believes that the importance of soft skills should be recognized at the high school level only, where students should go to school cognizant of how they’re developing as human beings and not just how much they’re learning.
Working in teams, taking criticism positively, good interpersonal communication and decision making are the abilities that one needs to attain even before one reaches university level. We not only assist the students to recognize their talent, passion and desires but also motivate them and provide the required tools to achieve their goals.Equipped with these skills when a student enters college he is confident to face and survive a liberated yet challenging environment.
While talking of the vast expansion of university education in India it is a matter of immense concern that it satisfies only 17 per cent of the employers leaving the rest of 83 per cent dissatisfied. According to a study by the Confederation of Indian Industry, out of five million graduates every year only 34 per cent of them are employable.
Therefore in our initiative, Learn to Earn, we teach business soft skills including employability skills to college and school students so that they are not only able to get the right job but are also able to maintain it and be successful in it.
Clients: Corporate Organizations, Educational Institutions, NGOs.
It is our endeavour to educate, enthuse and empower our younger generation for a successful life innings. Learn to Earn is an endeavour to empower our younger generation to take ownership of their life choices,make informed decisions and inspire them for life beyond education. Through this program students are guided to discover their strengths and motivated to work upon their weaknesses leading to an exploration of career options aligned to their personality traits. Our workshops help the students to